Opening Times
Mon - Fri: 9:00am till 5:30pm
Sat: Viewings Only
Next Auction:18 September 2024
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£12,000 Per Annum

Barkby Road, Off Catherine Street, Leicester, LE4 9HL

Want to arrange a viewing or need further information?

CONTACT US or call 0116 255 7573

Key features

■ A1 & A5 use granted

■ G/F net internal area = 1,365.86 SQ FT (126.86 SQ M) Approx.

■ Popular location amongst established retailers

■ Suitable for a variety of businesses

■ Internal viewing highly recommended!

Full description
Condition: Good Condition
Property Type: Shop
Bedrooms: 0
Entrance: Ground Floor
Number of Floors: 1

The property is best approached leaving the city centre via the main A607 Belgrave Road then taking the fourth exit onto Dysart Way. Take the second left into Catherine Street which continues into Barkby Road where the property is located on your left-hand side within a row of shops.

The premises comprises of a single storey shop with frontage onto the main Barkby Road. Internally the ground floor is currently split to provide a sales area, office, kitchen area and toilet. Access to the large rear garden is provided via a timber framed door from the office as well as the kitchen/hall area. The sales area and office space is fitted to a reasonable specification to include wood flooring, fluorescent strip lighting, power points, electric heating and a fully glazed frontage onto Barkby Road. The kitchen space is fitted with a base cupboard and inset sink unit with mixer tap, linoleum flooring, electric heating, window to front and side aspect and timber framed door leading to garden where there are two further spacious stores. The toilet includes a low level W.C and sink unit. The property may be suitable for a variety of uses subject to obtaining the necessary planning consent.

Shop Floor 795.6 Sq Ft. (73.91 Sq M.)
Office 94.36 Sq Ft. (8.76 Sq M.)
Kitchen 152.42 Sq Ft. (14.16 Sq M.)
Hallway 71.95 Sq Ft. (6.68 Sq M.)
Toilet 9.88 Sq Ft. (0.91 Sq M.)
Store 1 116.76 Sq Ft. (10.84 Sq M.)
Store 2 124.89 Sq Ft. (11.60 Sq M.)
Total Area 1,365.86 Sq Ft. (approx) 126.86 Sq M.(approx)

Lease Terms
The ground floor is available on a fully repairing & insuring lease for a term to be agreed. Planning We are verbally advised that the premises has consent for A1 (Shops) & A5 (hot food takeaways) use of the Town & County Planning (Use Classes) order 1987. Interested parties should make the own enquiries by contacting the local authority (Leicester City Council Tel: 0116 252 7000). Rates We have been verbally advised that the Premises have a rateable value of £5,800. The uniform business rates for 18/19 £0.482. Individual parties should satisfy themselves as to the likely rates payable from the date of occupation by contacting the Local Authority.

£12,000 per annum exclusive.

The in-going tenant shall contribute 50% towards the annual buildings insurance.

Viewing strictly by prior arrangement with the sole letting agent.

DISCLAIMER: Money Laundering Regulations, Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale. All measurements are approximate. Whilst we endeavour to make our sales particulars accurate and reliable, these approximate room sizes are only intended as general guidance. You must verify the dimensions carefully before. Shonki Bros have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances. Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense. While we endeavour to make our sales particulars fair, accurate and reliable, they are only a general guide to the property and, accordingly, if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact the office and we will be pleased to check the position for you, especially if you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property. These particulars are issued in good faith but do not constitute representations of fact or form part of any offer or contract. The matters referred to in these particulars should be independently verified by prospective buyers or tenants.

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